Veggie Vs. Gelatin Capsule – Which is better?

gelatin and veggie capsulesAccording to a report, the empty capsules market is worth over $3.2 billion, meaning hundreds of trillions of capsules are made yearly. These small, easily digestible casings encase various powdered substances, allowing for convenient consumption.

In the capsules market, two raw materials, Gelatin & Cellulose ( veggie ), are frequently used to pack all types of medications and supplements. Both of these have their own importance, which lies in their composition, origin, and potential dietary considerations.

As a consumer or manufacturer, if you are looking to discover the difference between these, then you are at the right blog. This article aims to highlight their key attributes like manufacturing materials, stability, fillings compatibility, transparency, prices, etc. So, keep reading if you want to choose the right enclosing for your needs.


1. From what Veggie & Gelatin Capsules are made?
2. Pros and Cons of Veggie Vs. Gelatin Capsules?
3. Is there any price difference between Veggie & Gelatin Capsules?
4. Veggie Vs. Gelatin Capsules – Which should you choose?
5. Conclusion

1) From what Veggie & Gelatin Capsules are made?

Veggie and Gelatin are both very famous; all modifications available in the market are probably made of these two. However, Gelatin capsules are cheap to produce than Veggie ones. And you must be thinking, why do people go for veggie ones if they are costly? Well, the answer lies in their manufacturing process;

i) Gelatin Capsules Production

ii) Veggie Capsules Production

i) Gelatin Capsules Production

“Gelatin capsules are made by boiling animal bones and skin.”

In all animals, a substance called Collagen is present in the skin, bones, organs, and almost all other parts of the body. And its main function is to provide support, protection, and elasticity.

gelatin capsules

Figure no 2 Gelatin is made from animals’ skin and bones

Now, back to our main topic, when animal body parts ( skin & bones are used ) are heated in water, their collagen decomposes and changes its structure to Gelatin. Then, the gelatin is filtered and concentrated from the boiling water to convert it into a powder substance. And finally, then this powder from gelatin is used to make capsules.

And, if you are curious, only bones & skin is used ( not other body parts ), and it is derived from only a few selected animals like cow, pigs, or fish.

ii) Veggie Capsules Production

“As the name suggests, Veggie capsules are made from cellulose, which is a main component in the cell wall of all plants.”

Out of the 7.8 billion world population, around 1.5 billion people are vegetarians. In most religions, being a vegetarian is a must. However, many people also choose vegetarianism because of their love for animals.

HPMC capsules

Figure no 3 Cellulose extracted from  Plant Cellwalls to make veg-capsules

Well, whatever the case, they can’t consume stuff made out of animals, like Gelatin capsules. However, vegetarians can eat plants, so, Pharmaceutical companies worldwide have developed Veggie capsules from hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), a natural substance in plants.

2) Pros and Cons of Veggie Vs. Gelatin Capsules?

 It is without a doubt that veggie and gelatin capsules are used worldwide, but each one has its own benefits and demerits compared to the other, which we will discuss below;

i) Stability

ii) Dissolving Rate

iii) Transparent body

iv) Consumer Preference

v) Light & Heat Resistance

vi) Compatibility with fill medications

i) Stability

Proper storage of gelatin capsules is crucial in maintaining their stability. These capsules have a higher moisture content ranging from 13%-15%, which makes them more susceptible to humidity extremes. It is recommended to store them in a dry and cool place to prevent any degradation.

It’s worth noting that HPMC capsules have a lower moisture content compared to gelatin capsules, which makes them more stable and less susceptible to humidity extremes. Storing them in a dry and cool place is still recommended to ensure their structural integrity is maintained.

ii) Dissolving Rate

If you use gelatin capsules, you may notice that they dissolve more slowly than other capsules. This is because gelatin capsules contain polymer chains with cross-links, which slow down their dissolving rate. The polymer chains become tangled, making it harder for dissolving molecules to penetrate and break the connections. The more cross-linkages there are, the longer it takes for gelatin capsules to dissolve. As a result, when you take medication in a gelatin capsule, it may take longer for the medication to be absorbed into your system.

On the other hand, the plant-derived cellulose polymers in vegetarian capsules do not form entangled structures, leading to faster dissolution when in contact with water. Hence, the medication can get into the body much faster.

iii) Transparent body

One of the biggest advantages of both Veggie & Gelatin capsules is that they can be made transparent, meaning you can see through the cover and look at what’s inside; when consumers can look inside what’s in the medicine, it really boosts their morale & trust in the product, which helps boost sale.

iv) Consumer Preference

Gelatin Capsules are widely used and accepted in the pharmaceutical industry. However, they may be less preferred by some consumers due to their animal-derived nature.

Veggie Capsules are preferred by vegetarians, vegans, and those with specific dietary preferences, as they are free from animal ingredients and suitable for various dietary restrictions.

v) Light & Heat Resistance

When it comes to resistance against hot temperatures and direct sunlight, the veggie capsules are much more sturdy than gelatin ones.

Most Veggie capsules out there can resist heat decomposition up to 80° Celcius, and the chances of them getting damaged due to direct sunlight are very low. In contrast, gelatin capsules can only resist heat up to 80° Celcius, and they easily get damaged in direct sunlight.

vi) Compatibility with fill medications

Gelatin capsules may not be suitable for specific fill compositions containing aldehydic groups, limiting their tolerance towards particular materials. In contrast, HPMC veggie capsules have broader tolerance and are compatible with various fill materials, including those containing aldehydic groups.

 Table Comparison Veggie Vs. Gelatin Capsules

Here’s a comparison between vegetarian capsules and Gelatin capsules:


HPMC (Vegetarian) Capsule

Gelatin Capsule



  • Soluble in water at room temperature
  • Solubility decreases below 37° Celcius

Absorption Rate



Humidity Stability



Can be made Transparent

No Degradation by light


Heat Resistance

  • Upto 80° C
  • Upto 60° C

Oxygen Permeability Resistance




Compatibility with Fill materials


  • More

  • Less

3) Is there any price difference between Veggie & Gelatin Capsules?

“Gelatin capsules are generally more affordable compared to veggie capsules. The cost difference arises due to the production process and raw material used for each capsule type.”

 empty capsules cost

Figure no 4 How much do Veggie and Gelatin Capsules cost

Gelatin capsules are made from animal-derived gelatin, a widely available and cost-effective material. The production process is relatively straightforward ( boiling and filtering ), contributing to the lower cost of gelatin capsules.

On the other hand, veggie capsules are made from plant-based cellulose materials, as mentioned before, such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC). The manufacturing process for veggie capsules involves additional steps and materials ( mixing, heating, cooling, right viscosity, etc. ), which can result in higher production costs than gelatin capsules.

4) Veggie Vs. Gelatin Capsules – Which should you choose?

As previously noted, there are a number of elements to take into account while deciding between veggie and gelatin capsules. Because of their decreased moisture content and hygroscopicity, veggie capsules offer a definite benefit in terms of stability. They are more stable in a range of temperatures and levels of humidity, which makes them less prone to breakdown than gelatin capsules.

Vegetable capsules also have the advantage of easily dissolving in water at room temperature, whereas gelatin capsules lose their solubility below 37°C and are unable to dissolve below 30°C.

Their ability to accommodate fill materials is another important difference. Veggie capsules are more adaptable and can accommodate a wider range of fill substances, including those that are liquid or semi-liquid in consistency. Gelatin capsules, on the other hand, can easily deteriorate when exposed to specific liquid fill materials and are sensitive to aldehydic end-products.

Despite these variations, both varieties of capsules have a number of benefits. When properly preserved, gelatin and vegetable capsules can both be kept for longer periods of time without running the danger of bacterial growth. They both dissolve well at human body temperature (98.6 F). They are also adaptable in terms of size, color, and shape, making it simple to distinguish between different fill materials.

The Decision is Yours!

Ultimately, the choice between veggie and gelatin capsules depends on individual preferences and specific needs. If dietary or religious restrictions are not a concern, and the fill substance is compatible, then go for Gelatin capsules as they cost much less.

On the other hand, for those seeking enhanced stability, solubility, and a plant-based, animal-free option, veggie capsules provide a reliable and preferable alternative. Each type has its merits, and the decision should be based on the priorities and values of the consumer.

➔  Conclusion

If you are a wholesaler or manufacturer looking to buy the best veggie and gelatin capsules for your medication or supplements, then we at Yasin can fulfill all your needs in one stop. With 30+ years of experience and 8000 tons of annual production, we at Yasin aim to provide our customers with not only the highest grade of capsules but also after-sales service. Whatever your needs are, we can customize everything so your products can do well and earn you huge profits.

Post time: Aug-03-2023